_____________ Of Potters and Kings _____________

Mike Nadaud and Ethan Rolph have been playing music together in one fashion or another for nearly twenty years. Though they have many musical influences in common their interests differ enough that their collaboration together has always produced something unexpected, challenging, and unique. They are based in the Cincinnati area.

Though Mike's primary instrument is the guitar and Ethan's is percussion, they are both multi-instrumentalists and do not hesitate to add other instruments or additional parts to their recordings even if two people in a live environment could not reproduce them...so long as the music will benefit from it.

Of Potters and Kings exists for two people to combine their talents without limitation, to produce something original that stands out from what mainstream radio offers today, to make music that they enjoy, and hopefully to make music that you enjoy too!

_____________ The Music _____________

We have several tracks that will be completed within the coming months. Recording for several songs has been finished but they still need to be mixed. Once they are completed this is where you will find information about them.

_____________ The Influences _____________

Of Potters and Kings, as you would expect, began playing music because of the bands that they love. As they continue to discover new bands their influence inevitably makes its way into the music they create. Of Potters and Kings has been heavily influenced by classic rock, various subgenres of progressive rock from its beginnings through today, and alternative rock from the 90s.

These are some of the bands whose music continues to inspire Of Potters and Kings: